How-to configure “Monitor Azure Status” [Werk #14700: azure_status]

I’m a newby to Checkmk and I would like to check the feed from Microsoft Azure Status op Azure status.

From azure_status: Monitor Azure Status i understand that it would possible to do so with Checkmk.

From the above Werk #14700 it is stated that, in order to “monitor Azure Status, i have to configure the related special agent Microsoft Azure Status”.

Unfortunately I can’t find the special agent within

Setup > Agents > “VM, Cloud, Container” nor in

Setup > Agents > “Other integrations”

Would it be possible to share an step-by-step instruction how to configure this “Microsoft Azure Status”, based on Werk #14700?

Many thanks in advance.

Hi @JeffryvD

welcome to the forum!

Which Checkmk version are you running? (Azure Status is only available since Checkmk 2.2). If you happen to be running 2.1 or older, you will not find it.


Hi @elias.voelker,

We’re using Checkmk Enterprise Edition 2.1.0p22. According to your previous reply we have to update to at least 2.2?

Hi Jeffry,

that is correct. As you can see in the werk, this feature was only added with 2.2


Hi Elias,

Sometime things are so obvious…

Thank you for pointing this out. We’ll upgrade to v2.2.

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