How to create a Global Host Notification Rule to EXCLUDE only uptime (Ping, Agent) during the "Nightly Backup" Time Period?

Keyword: EXCLUDE

I have several Proxmox VMs that take a few minutes to backup during the night. During that time they are Up/Down/Flapping for about 20 minutes.
I do want to continue monitoring these VMs for everything except UP/Down (I want to see errors about anything else during backup).

How do I set a Global Host Notification Rule to EXCLUDE only uptime (Ping, Agent) during the “Nightly Backup” Time Period?

Hi James,

there are a number of ways you could tackle this problem in the Enterprise Edition.

  1. You modify the “Host Event Types” in your notification rules and combine that with the “Only during timeperiod” (right above it):

  2. If the backup always happens at the same time, you could set a recurring downtime for that period. That will however kill ALL notifications during that time. Read more here: Scheduled downtimes

  3. You could give it some time, by using either the “Number of Check Attempts” or “Delay Notifications”. This will also affect all notifications, so you’ll learn about actual problems a bit later. See here: Notifications - via Email, SMS, Ticketsystems and more

Thank you so much for such a quick response Elias.
Perhaps my problem is not understanding correctly, but won’t this CREATE the event notifications, rather than disable them? Am I missing a basic premise of how Check_MK rules work?
Here is my interpretation of your recommendation - but it just looks like it will GENERATE notifications of up-down etc. during the Time Period(?)
Are you saying that the rules actually SUPPRESS, rather than generate notifications?


Hi James,


My assumption was that there is some kind of notification rule in place that generates the unwanted notifications. That one I guess would need to be modified / augmented with an additional rule. E.g. you could have one rule that matched outside the “backup window” time period, and another one that matches during the backup window.


Hi there,

Checkmk notification rules can be used to both enable and disable notifications.

In the Notification Method section there are 2 drop down menus. The first determines the type of notification (email, SMS, etc…). The second determines whether the rule creates a notification for the current event or cancels a notification that was generated by a previous rule.


In your case, I think you can probably accomplish what you want by adding one or more rules to the bottom of your current list with “Cancel previous notifications” selected. Note that you will need 1 rule for each type of notification to be disabled. You may also need to separate host events and service events into 2 separate rules.

Hope this helps,


Thanks Jason, that was the fix.