How to get HDD/SDD serial numbers (in inventory) on linux hosts

Hello everyone,
we are using checkmk together with i-doit (both enterprise versions) to get a better view of our inventory. What we are missing right now is the serial numbers of the discs in our systems. On Windows hosts checkmk shows the serial numbers but on linux hosts not. Using comand line tools we could, of course, write a plugin to read those but it would not got to i-doit via the inventory.
We would like to keep track of our drives for compliance reasons (isms, iso27001).

Any hint is appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Hello Marco,

Can you show what you have atm? When you enabled the mk_inventory.linux (https://your-host/your_site/check_mk/ the columns should be in the HW/SW inventory. The mk_inventory.linux is a shell script which can be modified for your needs. Then you don’t have to write everything from scratch.
