How to use pnp4nagios_bak file?


I’m found pnp4nagios_bak file in ‘check-mk file(cmk)’/var

check_mk/  log/       monitoring-plugins/  nagvis/  pnp4nagios/     redis/      ssl/  www/
dokuwiki/  mkeventd/  nagios/              omd/     pnp4nagios_bak  rrdcached/  tmp/

I searched for what this file is, but I couldn’t find any meaningful results.

I know it’s a backup file for pnp4nagios, how can I restore it?

Hi @Makehope,

what is the goal you are trying to achieve? Which kind of restore do you want to perform?
Can you please share what version of Checkmk are you using and which type of metrics are you using? Enterprise or RAW?

Looking forward to your details!

Best Regards

Hello @Norm
First, Thanks to reply

I’m using RAW Edition

There is no purpose of archive, and I was trying to figure out the check-mk structure and asked why the file is there and where and how it is used.