HTTP API 'Base prediction on' parameter

CMK version: 2.0.0p9
OS version: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

When trying to create a new rule via HTTP API, I am asked for the ‘Base prediction on’ parameter, but nowhere is this specified, even in an existing rule. What should this be?

root@ ~/cmk # curl "" -d "request={'ruleset_name':'checkgroup_parameters:cpu_load','ruleset': {'import/other': [{'conditions': {}, 'options': {}, 'value': {'levels': (2.5, 3.5)}}]}}"
{"result_code": 1, "result": "Checkmk exception: ERROR: The entry Base prediction on is missing. Affected Rule {'conditions': {}, 'options': {}, 'value': {'levels': (2.5, 3.5)}}"}

root@ ~/cmk # curl "" -d 'request={"ruleset_name":"checkgroup_parameters:cpu_load"}'
{'result_code': 0, 'result': {'ruleset': {'import/test': [{'id': '109c5b46-1fad-450a-985e-15399c4c942b', 'value': (5.0, 10.0), 'condition': {}, 'options': {'description': 'Rule1'}}]}, 'configuration_hash': 'c51cc82115bf05b1941146a88e4fa213'}}


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