HTTPS checks not working


Since yesterday all my HTTPS checks (url and certificate) are not working anymore. When creating new ones, they keep pending. The old checks are all stale. Problems occur with internal and external sites.

Could you please advice how i can troubleshoot?

A little bit more information about your system would be nice.

Hi, I have version 1.6.0p8 and the checks were working. I have altered a check and after one hour all checks weren’t working anymore. I have reverted the change back, but it does not help.

All HTTPS monitors (including SSL age) are stale now, new HTTPS monitors are in a pending state

Is it only the HTTP(s) checks – or do you perhaps have accidentally disabled active checks in general?

Can you do a curl $remote_site from the checkmk server when your problem occurs?
Or traceroute $remote_site?

Hi Thanks for the replies. It are only the https checks and i can connect to the machine. What i have done now is that i have deleted the host where i created the last https check on. Then all other HTTPS checks where working again. Now i have created a new host and placed the https rule on it, and it is working again. I should check after a few hours if it is still working…

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