HW HW/SW not working correctly

CMK version:2.30
Docker Img

Hi folks,
I recently got to grips with checkmk because I wanted to suggest it as a new project in our technical department.
An important aspect is the HW/SF function which unfortunately I can’t get to work.
I have rolled out the plugin on the client where the agent is installed and enabled a rule under Do hardware/software inventory.
I also get a report but it only shows used plugins Ram and information about the agent. Unfortunately, I cannot see the status of the hardware and software.
In the meantime I am not only desperate but mad that I do not understand it.

you get HW as you get your WiFI network adapter, so its working. But perhaps there is not much that Checkmk can find on your laptop?

Hardware/Software Inventory is an inventory. It has nothing to do with the status of any hardware. The question ist what you exactly want to have the status from? If you think about fan’s and status of power supplies: This is mostly done via management boards when using server hardware. On laptops you will need to find a suitable plugin to collect the data from the laptop. As this is highly hardware dependent there is no automatic solution for this.

It was apparently a communication problem because I also wanted to monitor the checkmk server and this caused the hardware problem.
When I started to monitor a 3rd PC everything worked fine.

Ok good, I guess. Not sure how this can be the solution or what you think happened but a communication problem have zero to do with HW/SW inventory