Ignore NICs (RHEL 8 agent)

Hi all

For certain hosts I want CheckMk to ignore all NIC’s except for a select few. I see that I can do selections based on “Interface [0-9]*” but I want this doesn’t work for me. For example, on oVirt KVM hypervisors that have been up for a few seconds, one of the interfaces I want is “Interface 77”, after a few hours it becomes “Interface 077”.

What I’d prefer to do is work on the Summary info. Is it possible to get CheckMk to monitor “bond1.100” from the summary (and a couple of others) and ignore all other interfaces?

Read this fine blog: Network Monitoring with Checkmk: 3 rules to rule them all | Checkmk

Basically you can use the interface description (bond0.100 etc) in the service name and the disable services based on that name.


Thank you for the pointer. I’ve been poking at this but so far haven’t made any headway.

Re-reading the article again, I’m not sure that what its talking about, and what I want are the same.

Maybe I should have used the word disable rather than ignore.


First step for network interfaces on servers (Linux/Windows) is to switch the discovery from index number to description. This should be done automatically with rule matching to the discovery label for Linux and Windows systems.

This exactly is done with the switch from index to description.
The linked article from @r.sander mainly targets switch and router interfaces (SNMP devices) but it also applies to server systems.

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Hi and thanks for the help thus far.

I’ve got the interfaces I’m interested in showing up as I’d like but all the other interfaces are still there. How can I get them to go away and not be re-discovered later?

Thanks again