Installing mk_logwatch

sorry, I really searched, but I just can’t find out where to download mk_logwatch (or if it is maybe already installed but needs to be enabled?). This is the RAW version on docker, I can list plugins with mkp, the list is empty right now.

A little pointer to a readme would be enough :slight_smile:

See here: check_mk/agents/plugins/mk_logwatch at master · sileht/check_mk · GitHub

I am not aware of the RAW Version. But mk_logwatch needs to be configured/activated in the Agent Bakery:

I’m also not aware of the RAW version but I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t have the agent bakery. That’s one of the differences between the Raw and the enterprise versions.

Still, the mk_logwatch plugin (and many, many others) is/are located in the directory ~/share/check_mk/agents/plugins on the checkmk server. Just copy it from there to your monitored hosts.