iPhone: Any apps that remove outdated notifications from the lockscreen?

I happen to get a significant number of alarms that vanish after a short time. For example about number of processes too high during a peak.

At the moment, we’re using Pushover to receive notifications on the iPhone.

I always have a long list of notifications from Pushover on the lockscreen. The list is cluttered with many notifications that are no longer interesting (like problems that vanished without any action).

I’d like to see only the notifications about problems that are not yet fixed nor acknowledged.

Is there any app that removes notifications on the lockscreen that are no longer interesting? I’ve used Boxcar and Pushover and Ntfy, but none of these is able to do this.

Hello. We do such things with OpsGenie. Alerts are forwarded via API Call (builtin in CMK) to OpsGenie. Here many things are possible. They also have a charming App to react, combine and face all kinds of Alerts.

Within CMK this is very limited. You can test for Bulking Notification…or fine tuning the Notification Rules/Conditions to only send only important informations (see “Match Servcie Event Type”)

Hi @gregor.hoffleit

This seems more like an ‘offtopic’ question - as it’s more related to how to manage things on your phone.

However, there are a few things that can be done on the Checkmk side, particularly about this:

The list is cluttered with many notifications that are no longer interesting (like problems that vanished without any action)

As you probably know, Checkmk has a number of options to cut down on these kinds of messages. Here’s a summary article you can use as a starting point: Minimizing false positive monitoring alerts with Checkmk | Checkmk

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Dear @elias.voelker, thanks for pointing out your article. A good read. Indeed reducing the notifications is something I already tried to some extent, but it’s a long way home to silence ;-). I’ll go another round, more aggressive.

Thanks @joerg.mohar for suggesting OpsGenie. I’ll give it a try in the near future.

Still, I would be interested to hear if some other alternatives are known.

Well, Pushover is just doing what it’s told. I’d change the notification rules in Checkmk. Like max retries and the like. If they are truly critical alerts then I’d say Pushover is great for this. Else consider sending one set of notifications to another app or service instead. You could even use easyNag for iOS which is the best I’ve tried. Regardless of the app, configuring your notifications correctly is a must. If they are configured correctly, along with bulking, you’re either going to have to live with what you’ve got, fix the issues, fix the configs for notifications, or use another app for less important notifications, possibly. Those are my suggestions.