Issues ajusting hdd temperature thresholds

What you enter in the ruleset in ‘Sensor ID’ must be part of the service name. This has nothing to do with the internal name of the Sensor.
The rule matches the service name, in this case the sensor ID should be part of it.
But “DISK: sda” doesn’t sound like a temperature check…
Perhaps the temperature is only additional information here, but not configurable in the rule.

For example, for a PaloAlto, the services for temperatures look like this:

The rule looks like this:

Another way to create the rule for your service:
Go to “Parameter for this service” via the menu on the service

Then you can already see if there are suitable rules:

Click on “Temperature” and then at the top on “Add rule for current hosts and sensor id”.

You will then see in the ruleset what needs to be entered for this explicit sensor ID. You can then expand the value with a RegEx expression for multiple sensors.

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