Issues with lmsensors and APC Status

Is this why I can’t seem to get Checkmk Exchange or Checkmk Exchange to work ?

I’ve added and installed to the site, but nothing shows up in service discovery.

I’ve copied & to /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins and restarted the agent, but no effect on service discovery.

Am I just doing it wrong, missing a step maybe ?

I can’t see how run these plugins manually to see if they might be erroring. How do you do that ?

I have moved your post as your post is not related to development APIs but rather a ask for help on how to get these plugins to work.

The user guide provides detailed steps under the section MKP how to include stuff from the exchange. Please follow that and do not just copy stuff around. Cheers

You need to copy the agent plugin and not the check plugin to the host.
The agent plugins can be found in $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk/agents/plugins after the installation of the MKP.

Ah ha, rookie mistake…

Is there a place with clear documentation, what to do after the mkp steps ?

Well, I’d still like to know how to run an agent plugin manually…

Sorry to be brief, but it’s a community forum :slight_smile:

For agent plug-ins and your questions:

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