JIRA Integration - resolution vs. status

Hi all,

I have a checkmk instance that is to create and close tickets in JIRA. Creation works fine, and accordign to (Notifications via Jira) I can set a resolution once the service is up again.

Unfortunately it seems that I can only set a status, not a resolution. Even the given samples are status entries (“To Do”; “In Progress”, “Done”).

Is there a way to set the resolution as well? Entering the “Resolution ID” as described here (how to get resolution id for my list of resolution...) gives an error message in checkmk:

Unable to resolve […] JIRA response code 500, Interner ServerfehlerUnverified HTTPS request warnings are ignored. Use with caution.

I assume the resolution and status are different DB tables and the JIRA plugin uses the status table.

Any ideas?


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