Lenovo XClarity - Fans

cannot send PM, so i copied the output for one fan (all fans have the same behaviour)

'Name': 'Fan 1A Tach', 
'FanName': 'Fan 1A Tach',
 'MaxReadingRange': 21420, 
 'MinReadingRange': 0, 
 'Reading': 4116, 
 'UpperThresholdCritical': None, 
 'UpperThresholdNonCritical': None, 
 [{'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1'},
 {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Chassis/1'}],
 'PhysicalContext': 'Fan',
 'Oem': {'Lenovo': {'Location': {'InfoFormat@Redfish.Deprecated': 'The property is deprecated. Please use PartLocation instead.',
 'Info@Redfish.Deprecated': 'The property is deprecated. Please use PartLocation instead.', 
 'InfoFormat': 'Slot X', 'Info': 'Slot 1'}}},
 '@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal#/Fans/0', 
 'UpperThresholdFatal': None,
 'LowerThresholdCritical': 840, 
 'LowerThresholdNonCritical': None, 
 'SensorNumber': 192,
 'Location': {'PartLocation': {'LocationOrdinalValue': 1, 'ServiceLabel': 'Fan 1A Tach', 'LocationType': 'Slot'}}, 
 'HotPluggable': True, 
 'ReadingUnits': 'RPM',
 'LowerThresholdFatal': None,
 'MemberId': '0', 
 'Status': {'Health': 'OK', 'State': 'Enabled'}},