License Usage on Remote Sites

CMK version: 2.2.0p11 cme
OS version: Appliance 1.6.6


We use the managed service edition with several sites and need to see the number of licensed services per site.
The license usage seems to show old data. How can I refresh this view to get up-to-date information?

Normally this data is updated once a day.
Do all Checkmk servers have an up-to-date agent and are actively monitored?

Hello Robin,

thanks for your answer.
all servers (beside one) were on the same level (2.2.0.p11).
Yesterday they were updated to 2.2.0p17 and also the licensed services were updated.
We will observe if it now happens once a day.

Is the HW/SW inventory active in your environment? I am not sure from the top of my mind, if that is relevant, but it might be something to double-check.

Hw/sw inventory and agent is not used for this function. There is a different mechanism at work here.
Can you PM me with your email contact? I would like to look into this with a dev or consultant.

It seems that the license information was only updated once after the sw update. Information is several days old again now.
@martin.hirschvogel I sent you my contact information last on Friday.

Good morning,

we have the same problem described here. We use version 2.2.0p9 on some Debian 12 machines. The sample dates are not updated and so is the service usage graph.

Seems the problem started on the 29th of September 2023 when we updated from 2.1.0p26 to 2.2.0p9.

any suggestions

Hi Christiano,

Checkmk confirmed that this is a bug (instance id on remote site is deleted) and will be fixed with the next release.

Hi mbkf,

thank you, I will then wait for the next release.