Linux plugin nfsiostats adds a leading "u" in the name of the service


I’ve just realized that the names of the NFS IO stats services have a leading u in their names.
For instance, myhost-nfs:/SHARE mounted in a Linux box is monitored as

NFS IO stats umyhost-nfs:/SHARE

in my 1.6.0p10 site.

I think the issue must be in parse_nfsiostat function

def parse_nfsiostat(info):
    #removes double list
    [new_info] = info
    import re
    # Result is a dictionary with mountpoint as key and a list of (currently 16)
    # metrics. Metrics are in the same order, from left to right, top to bottom,
    # as in the output of nfsiostat.
    # The first regex group (m0) identifies the mountpount and the second group
    # (m1) provides a space separated list of metrics.
    # Future expandibility or changes to the nfsiostat command will require
    # at most a re-ordering of these values (in check_nfsiostat_parames) and
    # changing the check to include new metrics (via swtiches/flags)
    parsed = {m[0]: m[1:] for m in re.findall(r'(\S+:/\S+)%s' % \
        (r'.*?([\d.]+)' * 16), str(new_info).strip('[]'), flags=re.DOTALL)}
    return parsed

but that call to re.findall() is too hard for me.

Best regards

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