List of perfdata keys/labels that will automagically create a Perf-O-Meter

I am searching for a list of perfdata keys that are working out-of-the-box without having to create a separate perfometer file on the site.

The keys I found out so far:

  • load1
  • load5
  • load15

I couldn’t find any official documentation, but maybe someone has this lying around on their computer?

Actually a Perf-O-Meter is only drawn for load1, not for load5 or load15.

Depending on your checkmk version the interesting file is ~/lib/python/cmk/gui/plugins/metrics/ Before 1.6 it was located below ~/share/check_mk/web/plugins/metrics and called differently, IIRC.

Here’s an excerpt of the file:

    "type": "logarithmic",
    "metric": "load1",
    "half_value": 4.0,
    "exponent": 2.0
    "type": "dual",
    "perfometers": [
            "type": "logarithmic",
            "metric": "if_in_bps",
            "half_value": 5000000,
            "exponent": 5,
            "type": "logarithmic",
            "metric": "if_out_bps",
            "half_value": 5000000,
            "exponent": 5,

That is: if you return performance data named load1 or (if_in_bps and if_out_bps), a Perf-O-Meter will be drawn.

I don’t have a list but a fancy combination of sed and grep or awk should reveal all metrics inside those perfometer_info.append(…) sections.


It is not only the “metric” entries. Also you should pay attention to the “segments”.
Like this example.

    "type": "linear",
    "segments": ["shared_locks", "exclusive_locks"],
    "total": None,

For all unique entries in “metric” and “segments”, where perfdata values exists, a perf-o-meter will be drawn.

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