Logfile Pattern Analyzer returns no hits

I’m trying to use the Logfile Pattern Analyzer to filter out some log messages, but none of my patterns are matching and no results are ever returned. I’ve tried matching both the System and Application log for “Group Policy” or “.Group Policy.” and nothing, however if I grep the underlying files there are plenty of matches.

I’m not seeing any errors or faults in any of the underlying logs either. Any way to enable debugging so I can see what’s happening behind the scenes or other thoughts on troubleshooting?

Can you provide that created rules for filtering these log files?

I’m simply using the “Try Pattern Match” at this point, but an example is:

Hostname: A Windows Host
Logfile: System
Text to Match: .*Group Policy.*

When I grep the same log I get 42 entries of the following message:
grep ".*Group Policy.*" System
C Feb 24 15:43:43 0.1030 Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to retrieve new Group Policy settings for this user or computer. Look in the details tab for error code and description. Windows will automatically retry this operation at the next refresh cycle. Computers joined to the domain must have proper name resolution and network connectivity to a domain controller for discovery of new Group Policy objects and settings. An event will be logged when Group Policy is successful.

At the “Text to Match” you must insert your original log line.
Before you do this create some rules with the “Edit Logfile Rules” button.
Then you can try some text lines with your created rules.

OK, I see what’s going on. You need to create a Pattern and then test a “match” against that Pattern. That’s not very intuitive and rather backwards. I thought the “Try Pattern Match” would search the actual logs so I could create Patterns. Sounds like a feature request to me