Long Execution Time of CheckMK Agent 2.0.0p1


I am testing the new v2.0.0p1, looks nice, congrats.

I have a slight problem with the check-mk-agent though… It takes 26 seconds to execute, it hangs on the <<<vbox_guest>>> sections which ends up empty. How can I troubleshoot what is slowing the agent down?


You can disable some sections also on the Linux agent. I would test if some of the next sections are responsible for the slow performance.
You will find the example config for the section exclude here.

I also experienced that last week.

This is not the vbox_guest section but the following sections for time sync infos.

What we saw is a timeout where the agent tries to run timedatectl timesync-status before exiting section_timesyncd() and calling section_ntp() in the end.

This was on a Debian 10 system where ntp has been installed but systemd-timesyncd.service has not been disabled properly.

In the end systemctl disable --now systemd-timesyncd.service && systemctl mask systemd-timesyncd.service was the solution.

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r.sander, you were right in everything :slight_smile:

The slowness came not from the vbox_guest section, but the one following it - timesyncd.

My case was also Debian 10 with ntp package installed. I noticed Debian 10 does not disable the systemd-timesyncd.service, but rather lets its start condition fail with ConditionFileIsExecutable=!/usr/sbin/ntpd was not met

Since I don’t need the “ntp server” part of ntpd, my solution was to uninstall ntp and let systemd-timesyncd.service do the clock synchronization.

Thanks for your help.

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