Micro Survey #3: Acknowledging problems and scheduling downtimes

Greetings Community!

The results are in!
With this survey we learned more about your use of the ‘Schedule downtime’ and ‘Acknowledge problems’ commands:

  • As intended, you use ‘Schedule downtime’ for planned maintenance and ‘Acknowledge problems’ for unexpected issues. Depending on your internal process and specific use case, you may solve a problem in a completely different way.
  • ‘Acknowledge problems’: Whether you keep the comment or remove it after the acknowledgement expires depends on your internal processes and policies (e.g. documentation). The majority of you (63%) prefer to remove the comment.
  • ‘Schedule downtime’: You are - rightly - frustrated by the ‘today’, ‘this week’ etc. options because they all end at midnight. This results in unnecessary midnight alerts. In addition, your downtime window depends on the use case. This shows us that flexibility and transparency are important to you.

Thank you for your feedback. Based on your input, we will improve both dialogs to make them more user-friendly.

The next step is to usability test the new prototyped dialogs to make sure they are clear and easy to use. We are currently on the lookout for people who are interested in testing! The test should take about 30 minutes and there’s no installation required.

:arrow_right: So if you want to test the prototypes, send me a direct message and I will get in touch with you!


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