Migrate from nagios

Hi all

Just trying to migrate to checkmk from nagios and i would like to know if there is any option for a quick migration of the nagios configs.

I’ve read the blog about it but creating 300 hosts and around 6000 checks is not really a good option.

Any tolls that can help convering the nagios config to checkmk?

Hi Alexandru,

there is no tool to import the nagios config and taking into account how huge the differences to nagios are, especially the rule based configuration and the checkmk agent, I would recommend to do a new or parallel installation.


Hi Alexandru,

you may be able to make your work easier by exporting the host data in Nagios as a csv and then adapting it slightly and then importing it into checkmk as a CSV.

You can certainly “automate” even more. :wink:



For the hosts, you already have an answer. For the 6000 Checks: Most likely Checkmk’s discovery will find 80-90% of what you need out of the box. Maybe even more. I did the same thing you are trying to achieve (Icinga 1 in my case) with double the scale and it is doable. It sounds daunting but really is not that bad. And down the road there will be all kinds of things that will make you love Checkmk compared Nagios-like solutions.