Migration of single hosts to new Checkmk version

I am currently migrating an older Checkmk version to 2.x. Due to some in-house developments, it is not possible to convert all checks to the new version in a timely manner.
I would therefore like to keep some hosts running on the old Checkmk version instance in order to maintain monitoring and alerting for the incompatible checks. Once the checks have been adapted accordingly, they should be transferred to the new version that is already running.

Is there a way to transfer the performance data (CPU, memory etc.) from the old instance to the new version that is already running? I was thinking of creating a copy of the old version, updating it and then overwriting the rrd files from the update in the running new version. Has anyone ever tried this?

Many thanks in advance

So you dont have to convert any checks as of now, I assume you are on 1.6 atm?
You can even run local checks with Python 2 if needed.

You can also run the 1.6 agent on a 2.x checkmk system if you disable the warning for TLS not enabled. That way the checks you have should work “as is” but you can delete your old master instance

Yes, that is correct, we are currently using 1.6.
However, we have to re-write some checks because we have self-developed plugins, SNMP checks and special agent checks that are no longer executable under 2.x.
The local checks would not be the problem, but we hardly have any of these in use.