Missing Host Alias definition in 2.2.0

To keep facts straight, we included in 2.2 a rather large feature request from you @JPH with BI aggregations: Introduced option to freeze aggregation structure.
While it says minor change, have a look yourself: WK14182: BI aggregations: Introduced option to freeze aggregation str… · Checkmk/checkmk@9801787 · GitHub

And while we would like to do all feature requests, we have to prioritize hard the resources we have. Feel free to reach out to me via mail or in person discuss this in person.

And regarding show more/show less. You can always enforce show more as you discovered. Then an expert user like you has access to all options. However, we have learned from many beginner users, that the number of configuration options in Checkmk is overwhelming.
However, we also agree that we might have overdone it a bit, when we set the defaults. Thus we have done slight adaptations in the host config and DCD already in 2.2 (e.g. IP address family is shown in show less as well in the host config)