Missing notify.log file

CMK version: 2.2.0p31
OS version: RHEL 8

I cannot get any notifications to write output to the notify.log file. I had been running 2.2.0p16, so I upgraded to 2.2.0p31 thinking that would potentially solve the problem.

Alas, it did not.

I’m wondering if I’m missing some setting or if there is a way to generate notification output to the notify.log file.


Maybe the notifiy log level settings have been changed. Have a look in the global settings below Notification.

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That was my first thought, as well, however I checked and didn’t make any changes to those settings.

What is interesting is that I have another set of CMK servers running in a “production” environment and the notify.log file was last updated on May 7th. This system send multiple alert notifications daily, so there should be multiple notify.log files.

I very recently upgraded to v2.2.0p31 (had been on 2.2.0p16) thinking that would possibly resolve the issue, however, it did not.

Hi @tonyt,
are the messages written to the archived log files?


I had failed to mention that I’m running a distributed monitoring environment, with one master and multiple poller servers. I had incorrectly assumed that alert notifications were sent from the master server and thus written to the logs on that system.

I, by chance, logged into one of the poller servers and found that notify.log was being written to and rotated.

I didn’t come across anything in the docs indicating this is how notifications worked in a distributed environment. I very well could be and I just missed it.

Regardless, notifications are getting logged just in a different location than I expected.
Thank you, @uwoehler and @kdeutsch for your help.


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@kdeutsch I completely missed (or overlooked) that. Thanks a lot for the link…much appreciated.
