Monitor FreeIPA through ipa-healthcheck?

Dear all,

I’ve deployed check_mk to monitor our lab computing facility, but I stuggled on how to add a specific service to monitor our FreeIPA server/replica configuration.
I’ve installed the ipa-healthcheck package and get proper results with this tool, but I have no clue on how I can integrate ipa-healthcheck output in one or several services to monitor the IPA configuration (replica status, certificates validity, etc.)

I’m using check-mk version 2.0.0p21.

Any help appreciated !


Hi Jose,

I assume you are refering to this Check GitHub - peterpakos/checkipaconsistency: Tool to check consistency across FreeIPA servers
Just install it on your monitoring Server at /opt/omd/sites/moni/local/lib/nagios/plugins/ if you didn’t do so already and create a rule to integrate a Nagios Check (Integrate Nagios plugins)
Configure the rule like this

Service description: IPA replicas
Command line: cipa -n replicas
In the conditions sections just configure your IPA Hosts as “explicit hosts”.

Then repeat that for everything you want to check on your IPA Server.

Works like a charm over here :wink:


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Thank you Franck

You made my day !


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