Monitor Windows Certificates with Checkmk

Hello to all,
I need to monitor the certificates from my Windows machines but I could not find any article on how to do that and there is a post here on the forums but it is not very clear what to do.

I have downloaded and installed the package from check_mk_extensions/sslcertificates at cmk2.1 · HeinleinSupport/check_mk_extensions · GitHub

I have installed it using this post (at the end) [Question] how to install and setup MKP file - #6 by onugraha

After this should I be able to see a new menu or option somewhere in the console?
Is there something that needs to be done on the client side also?
Will it monitor the User and the Machine store?

Any help will be much appreciated.


If your are using the RAW edition you need to copy the agent plugin from $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk/agents/windows/plugins to C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins.

You can use the agent bakery if you have the Enterprise edition.

It will monitor the machine store and the store of the SYSTEM account.

Thank you, it worked. Now for others who want to do this:

  1. Download the plugin and copy the mkp file in the root directory of your site /opt/omd/sites/SITE NAME

  2. Change user to user site name omd su SITE NAME

  3. Install the mkp package
    mkp add sslcertificates-8.7.2.mkp
    mkp enable sslcertificates

  4. Using WinSCP go to /omd/sites/SITE NAME/local/share/check_mk/agents/windows/plugins and copy the sslcertificates.ps1 on your monitored computers to C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins

  5. In the checkmk console you should have by now under the Discovery Rules a rule named SSL certificate discovery. Add a new rule and save it.

  6. After a few seconds run a discovery on your monitored hosts



Thank you for the summary at the end, it helped me a lot with my Windows hosts.

Even though the heading “Monitor Windows Certificates with Checkmk” does I have an additional question about Linux hosts?

With Linux hosts, do I also have to copy a file or pay attention to something special so that the (system) SSL certificates can be monitored via this plugin?

The extension also includes an agent plugin for Linux hosts. This has to be copied to the Linux host.

Hello r.sander,
please excuse me for asking again, but do you know the path on the host where I have to copy the file? many thanks.

It’s all in the documenation:

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