Monitoring client connections on a cisco C9800-CL with 2.0.0p17 (CRE)

I’m back with strange news. The MIB on the C9800 is the same as the others so I don’t understand why it’s not working !
When I do snmpwalk -Of -v1 -c <community> <ip> . I have the three SSID.

.iso. = STRING: "<SSID1>"
.iso. = STRING: "<SSID2>"
.iso. = STRING: "<SSID3>"

And when I do snmpwalk -Of -v1 -c <community> <ip> ., I have the number of connected clients.

.iso. = Counter32: 87
.iso. = Counter32: 3
.iso. = Counter32: 21

My question is : what is wrong with my configuration ?

I hope somebody could help me !


Have a nice day,