Monitoring client connections on a cisco C9800-CL with 2.0.0p17 (CRE)

Hi @tosch ,
I know and I made the modifications you suggest :

But I find I have a syntax error in the file.
As I’m not a python coder I can see where the error is but I don’t know how to fix it…
A little help maybe ?
This the section with the error :

def parse_cisco_wlc_9800_clients(
    string_table: List[StringTable],
) -> WlcClientsSection[ClientsTotal]:
    section: WlcClientsSection[ClientsTotal] = WlcClientsSection()
    for (ssid_name,), (num_clients_str,) in zip(string_table[0], string_table[1]):
        num_clients = int(num_clients_str)
        section.total_clients += num_clients
        if ssid_name not in section.clients_per_ssid:
            section.clients_per_ssid[ssid_name] = ClientsTotal(0)
        section.clients_per_ssid[ssid_name].total += num_clients
    return section

The code checker raise an error on the section: WlcClientsSection[ClientsTotal] = WlcClientsSection() line.
Any idea ?
