Monitoring CPU utilization

HI all,

my question is related to cpu load monitoring. How do i set the warning alarm to send only when the load is longer than 3 minutes and the critical 10 minutes?

I did this setup but notification still arrives as soon as load reaches warning and critical values.

Hi do you ajust also the rule:

Notified events for services

or does an other rule matches the Host or Service ?

also a option is the rule

Delay service notifications

Greets Bernd

Thanks for answer.

I set up rule Notified events for services. is it well adjusted?

after this setup, all the same happens.

which version of CMK do you use ???

Check_MK Raw 1.5.0 p18

I try it later at home in the VM …

Thank you very much.

till now 1.5.0p24 there was a lot of changes:

perhaps it`s also a good idea to update the site

remove the option “Levels on total CPU utilization’”.


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if I remove this option, the tool sets its default warning and critical values to 101%.

as @BH2005 mentioned you can use the rule “Delay service notifications”.


I checked this rule in one of my systems and it is working without problem.

After 5 minutes and more then 20% cpu usage i get an warning and also after 15 minutes the critical.
No other values are defined. In your system the 101% comes from another rule and is merged for this host. The 101% rules needs an exclude for hosts where you want to get the usage over time.

I can confirme @andreas-doehler

Thanks all for answers.

I removed option “Levels on total CPU utilization”. I set the CPU load high value to 95% and the tool sends a warning alert to 95% and higher if that value is held for 3 minutes, and if held for 10 minutes it sends a critical alert. It’s just like you said.