How can I monitor the bandwidth of our Firewall and alert when it reaches a certain limit?
I don’t see graphs for the interfaces here.
Is there any documentation around this
Maybe the following rules could be set on the specific interfaces?
But how can I enable the performance graphs for these on the interfaces.
Also the below rule says levels in bits or bytes per second.
Which is it as these are different?
If I want to alert on 700 Mbps what would that be?
you dont think you should mention what kind of firewall you have?
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It’s a Fortigate in Azure
To be specific FortiGate-VM64-AZURE v7.2.5,build1517,230606
We have a second firewall which is configured the same that’s showing graphs for the interfaces but not the first one
Therefore how can I troubleshoot the history graph for the one that’s not showing?