Monitoring IIS app pool

Hi all,

I am having trouble with IIS monitoring ; on my windows server, i installed the agent (checkmk v2.2.0p17).
Now, the “web service xxxxx web site” does show up, but not the pool applications. I’ve seen that you have to move a script called “iis_app_pool_state.ps1” in C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins, yet i cannot find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\plugins

I thank you all for your help !


Hi dmx,

it can be found on your site at this place: https://$SERVER/$SITE/check_mk/agents/windows/plugins/iis_app_pool_state.ps1


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Hi Simon,

Thank you for your answer.

However, I think I have a problem with the script ; as my server is in french, I tried changing the part $AppPools = get-counter -Counter "\APP_POOL_WAS(*)\Current Application Pool State" by the french name $AppPools = get-counter -Counter "\APP_POOL_WAS(*)\État actuel du pool d'applications" and no matter the name I still get the error get-counter : not found.

I tried changing it to $AppPools = get-counter -Counter "\APP_POOL_WAS(*)\*" but then CheckMK gives this in the WATO : WARNING: Parsing of section iis_app_pool_state failed - please submit a crash report!

Is there a workaround ? ChatGPT doesn’t seem to help much.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

You need to find out the exact name of the Performance Counter and enter it.
You can use lodctr to get all the performance counters of your system.

Hello Simon,
I do have the correct name, as seen in the screenshot below :

It’s the same error i get for the english version :frowning:

I can only recommend to install windows with english as primary language. But this won’t help you now.

In your screenshot, you left out an important part. The top window pane in which I could have seen if you’re running the script with your local user or with administrator permissions (elevated). According to your current working directory, I figure you are not elevated.
Please run the script as administrator or with the same permissions that your monitoring agent runs it (usually “LocalSystem”).

I was using a nominative domain admin account (hence why i blurred the name) while running the script, and ran the ISE as an admin too, so I can’t possibly have more rights :sob:
And as this is a prod server, I don’t think I can re-install Windows in English without getting fired haha…

Anyway, thank you so much for the help, I guess I’ll just not monitor this part of the server :frowning: