Monitoring output of a script/file/CSV for backup

Hi, our infrastructure team have created a script which outputs the results of VM backups in Azure.
Is it possible to monitor this via checkmk in any way in order to report back specific failures?
I cannot think of a way where this would work.

I know you can monitor log files but it would only alert if one of them failed, it wouldn’t report back on the specific VM.
This is the example of the script output:

If you can modify this script to output the lines according to Checkmk’s Local Check format you can get one service check per Workload: Local checks


Can the following rule be used if a log file is produced against each server to create a ‘VM Backup’ service against each server?

i.e the remote file share would in theory have 400 log files named for each server ‘server1backup.log’.

So my question would we need to create separate ‘Text log file’ rules to be baked into every server and therefore have 400 different baked agents.

Or can one rule be applied to look at all of these servers but produce a separate server against each server or against a dummy host?


If we have a directory of log files by server name is there a way we can monitor these and produce a service against each server? I don’t think the regex patterns allow this?

for example I don’t think you can do something like this can you?