NagVis and special Character in service name

CMK version: Checkmk Enterprise Edition 2.1.0p32
OS version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Error message: Das Attribut hat ein ungültiges Format (Regex: /^[0-9a-zа-яё\p{L}\s:+[]()_.,'-*?!#@=/\]+$/iu)

Dear Community

I have some problems displaying windows-services on a nagvis map.

The services (here from MS SQL-Server) have a special character (‘$’) in the service description (and the windows service too) to split the service name from the db-instance the service is running for, e.g. ‘service_MSSQL$PROD’

Inside checkmk that is no problem because i can escapte the dollar sign in any filter or other request. But NagVis doesn’t let me select one of this services instead displays the above error-message.

“Attribute has an illegal format” followed by a regular expression which does not allow the $-character.

I apreciate your help in making the service visible on my nagvis-map.

Perhaps i can somehow rename the service, or hack the nagvis-regex to accept $ or anything else? Hope one of you had similar issues (i’m not the only one monitoring multiple SQL-Server instances on a single host, am i?) and has allready found a solution for this.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Edit: I am unable to edit the servicename in nagvis and change the $ into a . (some char), because it’s inside a combobox. So i just can select the service-name including the $-sign.

Let me point you here: Issues · NagVis/nagvis · GitHub

Well i opened an issue ([BUG] Selectable service_description containing spechial character $ produces error · Issue #353 · NagVis/nagvis · GitHub) but this does not solve my problem.

Finally i searched through all nagvis-files and changed the regex-pattern by myself.
It works for me, but i don’t know if it will produce any sideeffects.

File: ./share/nagvis/htdocs/server/core/defines/matches.php
Change the ‘MATCH_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION’ adding a \$ behind the \*

Attention: This file will be overwriten by any update and must be changed after manually
But usage of folder ./local/share/nagvis/… and change file there does not work for me.