Nextcloud Local Check(s)

Just a little thing i made and wanted to share.
I know there is a Special Agent for NextCloud/OpenCloud, but to minimize differences i try to stick to a/the regular agent.
So to get insight into some parts on Nextcloud ( specifically updates) i made the below localscript.

As with all local checks, this script needs to be placed in/on the NextCloud server itself in /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local and must be made executable via chmod +x /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/


#basepath of Nextcloud's occ executable

sudo -u apache php $BASEPATH/occ status -e
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "0 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud all up to date"
elif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "1 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud maintenance-mode is enabled"
elif [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
    echo "2 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud Core needs updating"

APPRESULT=$(sudo -u apache php $BASEPATH/occ app:update --showonly)
if [ -z "$APPRESULT" ]; then
    echo "0 \"NextCloud Apps\" - NextCloud Apps all up to date"
    UPDATECOUNT=$(echo "$APPRESULT" | wc -l)
    echo "1 \"NextCloud Apps\" - $UPDATECOUNT NextCloud Apps require updates"

In essence this will give me (next to the regular information on the OS via the standard Agent) Nextcloud specifics.
For now this is what i was in need of, however maybe future needs might require me to extend this local check, and then i will update the above code.

Happy Monitoring !

  • Glowsome

Hi Glowsome,

very nice! Thanks for sharing.

In my case (and maybe @some others) username had to be adjusted:

indstead of “sudo -u apache” it had to be “sudo -u www-data”



This has to do with the underlying Linux type/flavour.

I myself use RockyLinux, so user ‘apache’ but i guess Debian-style uses user ‘www-data’


Also, the check tells me to update Nextcloud apps, although all of them are up to date.

Will report changes that work, once I fetched them.

Up untill now each time the check appeared with a status other then warning on Nextcloud Apps it was true.

i locally (on the nextcloud box itself) ran:

cd /var/www/html/
sudo -u apache php occ app:update --all

And on the next pass of the check it would be OK again.

The only thing i cannot seem to grab is a/the version of Nextcloud itself ( currently running 28.0.5, but 29.0.0 is available).


The localcheck will however detect the status after having run this web-updater.

  • Glowsome

I did a manual “occ app:update -all” before also, did not work.
My NC version is already updated to 29.0.0
I’ll keep you updated

As above shows i have one incompatible app running, so i have not yet updated ( this is blocking for me)

When the app becomes available for version 29.0.0 i will update/upgrade and re-check the localcheck functionality.

  • Glowsome

Since “occ app:update --showonly” always shows a regex string,
I have to change
[ -z "$APPRESULT" ] to
Should work fine now.
Again, thanks for sharing


After your report in regards of what you experienced i have extended/revised the localcheck script.


#basepath of Nextcloud's occ executable
# set the correct user for running the commands (This will be either apache or www-data, depends on your Linux Distro)

# check if jq package is present on the system
if ! [ -f /usr/bin/jq ]; then
    echo "2 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud localcheck required jq package to be installed"
    echo "2 \"NextCloud Apps\" - NextCloud localcheck required jq package to be installed"

# Get current installed Nextcloud version-information
NCINSTALLED=$(sudo -u $APACHEUSER php $BASEPATH/occ status --output=json | jq -r '.version')

# Get latest avaiable version information
NCAVAILABLE=$(sudo -u $APACHEUSER php $BASEPATH/occ update:check | tr -d '\n' | awk '{print $2}' | cat)

# Compare results of installed and available version and report update available if they differ
   echo "1 \"NextCloud\" - A new NextCloud version ( $NCAVAILABLE )is available, please upgrade"
    sudo -u $APACHEUSER php $BASEPATH/occ status -e
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "0 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud all up to date"
    elif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
        echo "1 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud maintenance-mode is enabled"
    elif [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
        echo "2 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud Core needs updating"

# Get information about apps and potential updates and report the result.
# Result of the query for updates seems to produce a different output as of version 29.0.0
# this is under investigation
APPRESULT=$(sudo -u $APACHEUSER php $BASEPATH/occ app:update --showonly)
if [ -z "$APPRESULT" ]; then
    echo "0 \"NextCloud Apps\" - NextCloud Apps all up to date"
    UPDATECOUNT=$(echo "$APPRESULT" | wc -l)
    echo "1 \"NextCloud Apps\" - $UPDATECOUNT NextCloud Apps require updates"

Do mind that some hardcoded parts i’m not that happy with yet, but for now it serves its purpose (again, on my end)

best regards,

  • Glowsome
1 Like

Seems alot has changed in v29.0.0 of Nextcloud.

Therefore from this version on i have to re-evaluate the whole localcheck (with input from @gebra )

I will adapt the localcheck, but changes regarding expected output are quite extensive, so i will need time to re-evaluate all.

  • Glowsome

Update on the Localcheck → i have finally had a bit of time to look into this, and with a few adaptations i’ve made it work again.
Unfortunately (not my style) some output had to be hard-coded into the script.

But here goes :

#basepath of Nextcloud's occ executable


# set the correct user for running the commands ( either apache or www-data )


# check if jq package is present on the system

/usr/bin/which jq >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "2 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud localcheck requires jq package to be installed"
    echo "2 \"NextCloud Apps\" - NextCloud localcheck requires jq package to be installed"

# Get current installed Nextcloud version-information
# in v29.x.x version gives more detail, which is not given by the check on installed version, so switched to versionstring instead.

NCINSTALLED=$(sudo -u $APACHEUSER php $BASEPATH/occ status --output=json | jq -r '.versionstring')

# Get latest avaiable version information
# In v29.x.x this has changed outputs <name-of-instance> <version,

NCAVAILABLE=$(sudo -u $APACHEUSER php $BASEPATH/occ update:check -V | tr -d '\n' | awk '{print $3}' | cat)

# compare resuts of installed and available version and report update available if they differ
   echo "1 \"NextCloud\" - A new NextCloud version ($NCAVAILABLE)is available, running version $NCINSTALLED please upgrade"
    sudo -u $APACHEUSER php $BASEPATH/occ status -e
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "0 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud all up to date"
    elif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
        echo "1 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud maintenance-mode is enabled"
    elif [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
        echo "2 \"NextCloud\" - NextCloud Core needs updating"

APPRESULT=$(sudo -u $APACHEUSER php $BASEPATH/occ app:update --showonly)
if [[ $APPRESULT == *"All apps are up-to-date"* ]]; then
    echo "0 \"NextCloud Apps\" - NextCloud Apps all up to date"
    UPDATECOUNT=$(echo "$APPRESULT" | wc -l)
    echo "1 \"NextCloud Apps\" - $UPDATECOUNT NextCloud Apps requires updates"

Happy Monitoring (again)

  • Glowsome