No Connection to one instance via mssql.vbs

CMK version: 2.3.0b3, mssql.vbs for that version

Error message:

MSSQL_CRM|state|0|INFO: Connecting using provider msoledbsql; Connecting using provider sqloledb; Connecting using provider sqlncli11; Connecting using provider sqlnclirda11 ;; ERROR: TCP Provider: Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte.

english: connection denied

Running a server (win 2019 with sql 2019 STD), containing 5 instances.
with 4 instances we can connect w/o any problems and fetch all data.
one instance: we can not connect via the script at all.

the instance can be connected from other programs via the network w/o any problems. Java apps, dbvisualizer, everyting works, only the vbs.script will not connect and throws an error/timeout.

when we put
exclude = crm
in the mssql.ini, the script skips that instance and against all other instances, no error and delivers all data.

… it drive me nuts. - any help / ideas?

Only thing that comes to mind (not at all a DBA here): What is the difference between this once instance and the others? Checkmk monitors them all the very same way (unless you changed something), so the only thing can be different, is the instance. Maybe a small but relevant configuration item?

Hi - thanks for the reply.

I fixed it. The instance itself was not the problem, but I have got several IP-Adresses and Ports for the different instances configured. And the mssql.vbs-script gets lost in any way. I did not figured out where that occurs, I just add a few lines and tell the script: when the instance is “CRM” don’t look in your internal findings, use Port “1436” - that did the trick.


In the commercial editions you would probably want to use the agent bakery to configure this properly. For the RAW edition, it is probably fine as long as it works. :+1:

Difficult to say something certainly.

I would suggest to add debug prints in VBS(or debug - also ok) and in parallel validate connectivity using SQL Studio.

Also, in beta you could find new MS SQL Server plugin, this is also BETA, but you may check how it work.

Just as a reminder: Visual Basic is out of support by Microsoft, we also starting phasing out all our Basic plugins. First one - mssql.vbs