No Graph Icon and Data : No historic metrics recorded but performance data is available. Maybe performance data processing is disabled


I am using Raw Edition and configured a few hosts. But I am not able to see graph icon and performance graph. In service graph, it is showing " No historic metrics recorded but performance data is available. Maybe performance data processing is disabled. ". Kindly advise how I can enable graph data.

version: Checkmk Raw Edition 2.1.0p27.

Hey @htin and welcome to the community.

Can you please check if your performance data processing is enabled?
To do that you go to your sidebar if it’s not already there you have to add the Master control sidebar element.
Make sure Performance Data is enabled.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Norm,

I just checked and Performance data is enabled in Master control.

Thank you,

Same problem on my site with a few hosts… do you have a solution?

I managed to resolve it. One dependency lib was missing during installation. I cannot remember which one. Try to check if you have perl installed.

Found a solution for my problem too: Completely deleted the host in CheckMK and on file basis also. Works.

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