No Service Notifications in 2.3.0

Might be a bug, but careful, mind this:

There is a mechanism to not notify a service problem if the host is down and
a mechanism to suppress a service notification until there is a fresh host stated available.

Therefore it’s important to recognize a host down as quick as possible and this is one of the features of smartping because it runs with a check interval of 6s by default.

But, if you change the host check command from smartping to something else also the normal host check interval will change from 6s to 60s.

In other words, if you do your test you perhaps have be more patient.

And the other pitfall is, if the Service Check_MK is CRIT, notification for that will be suppressed if the Host is DOWN at the same time and if you use the Check_MK Service as your your custom Host check command, then you will only get the Host DOWN notification but never the Service Check_MK CRIT notification, or?

From Special characteristics of the CMC