CMK version: v2.0.0
OS version: Nodes use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Kubernetes version: v1.22.15

Error message:
Hi, I got this error when using Checkmk with Kubernetes. Anybody could help? Thanks.

Another great example how inconsistent K8s handles stuff…
TRUE => CRIT, expect for READY.
And now METAKUBENODEREADY is like READY: We will take a look into it.


So, this happened again, now Rancher is also not sticking to conventions: Add etcd status condition by vitorsavian · Pull Request #8724 · k3s-io/k3s · GitHub

In your case, please tell the provider of your Kubernetes to stick to conventions (using negative formulations for NodeConditions, e.g. MetaKubeNodeNOTReady…)

From Checkmk 2.3 on, you can manually map conditions, if your provider decides to introduce their own node conditions which do not comply with general conventions.