Notification parameter spec with v2 API (checkmk 2.3)

Hi all

I am currently wrapping my head around the new plugin APIs that got introduced with Checkmk 2.3. So far I have been able to migrate normal check plugins and rulesets without major issues.
Currently, I am trying to migrate a notification plugin - or rather its UI spec - to the new API. Here I am struggling to get Checkmk to detect the UI spec in the notification configuration. I am able to find it in the Service monitoring rules, though.

I currently have:

  • the plugin inside the folder local/share/check_mk/notifications - let us call it notifyme
  • a UI spec in local/lib/python3/cmk_addons/plugins/notifyme/rulesets that gets applied like this:
    rule_spec_notifyme = NotificationParameters(
        title=Title("notifyme notification parameters"),

I would have thought this is enough for Checkmk to detect the parameters in the notification configuration. However, all I get is the default “Call with the following parameters”. :slightly_frowning_face:

Has anyone already tried this and could point me in the right direction?


I have now employed a workaround to get the desired behaviour. I am using the notification parameter registry to register the valuespec, but first converting it. This looks something like:

# We still need the old style valuespecs for notification configs to work properly
# FIXME / HACK: This NEEDS to be cleaned up one day!
from cmk.gui.valuespec import Dictionary as OldDictionary
from cmk.gui.valuespec import TextAreaUnicode as OldMultilineText
from cmk.gui.valuespec import TextInput as OldString
from cmk.gui.valuespec import ValueSpec
from cmk.gui.wato import notification_parameter_registry, NotificationParameter
from cmk.utils.i18n import _

class NotificationParameterNotifyme(NotificationParameter):
    def ident(self) -> str:
        return "notifyme"

    def spec(self) -> OldDictionary:
        new_style_spec = _notification_valuespec_discord()

        dict_elements = new_style_spec.elements.items()

        def convert_to_old(element: Tuple[str, DictElement]) -> Tuple[str, ValueSpec]:
            name, vs = element
            parameter_form = vs.parameter_form
            parameter_form_inst = type(parameter_form)
            if parameter_form_inst == String:
                conv_vs = OldString(
                    title=_(parameter_form.title._arg), default_value=parameter_form.prefill.value
            elif parameter_form_inst == MultilineText:
                conv_vs = OldMultilineText(

            return name, conv_vs

        dict_elements = list(map(convert_to_old, dict_elements))

        return OldDictionary(
            title=_(rule_spec_discord.title._arg), elements=dict_elements, optional_keys=[]

Of course, this is highly specific to my use-case. The inline convert_to_old function would have to be adapted to the new-style valuespec in case someone else wants to use this.
This hack basically spares me from re-writing the entire spec in old format…