Nutanix Prism Central 412 Codes

Hello. I am working with checkMK Enterprise 2.1.0p15. We have added version 4.0.4 of the Nutanix Prism plugin from the exchange. We are seeing special agent failures from the connections test page. We have validated the credentials. Prior to importing this, the OOB Prism content was working fine.

I read previous posts and it seems this might have been fixed long ago, but wanted to ensure I was using the best suited version.

If possible I would test with a 2.2 instance, there the plugin has version 5.0.8
At the moment I cannot remember what I have changed between the 2.1 and 2.2 version :wink:
Also you can test on the command line the special agent itself with “–debug” and “-vv” switch.
With this you should get a better error message.