Only send notifications after service is at least 10 minutes continuous in CRIT

Sorry for the slow reply.

I tried “Delay service notifications”, but that makes it only delay the notifications until they are OK again.
Imagine this situation:

  • [00:00] Service CRIT
  • [00:05] Service WARN
  • [00:10] Service still WARN → send notification

What I wanted to do was this:

  • [00:00] Service CRIT
  • [00:07] Service WARN (<-- stop timer here, as temperature is not CRIT anyore)
  • [00:09] Service CRIT (<-- start timer here again, as temperature reached CRIT)
  • [00:19] Service still CRIT (<-- send notification because temperature has been CRIT for 10 minutes)

Thank you, I will try the following notification rule:

Match only the following services: Temperature
Match service event type: any -> OK // any -> CRIT
Restrict to n-th to m-th notification: 10 to 11

I will report back tomorrow.

Thank you for your help.