Plugin Float variable with more than 2 decimal points

Hello guys,
I created a custom plugin with a wato extension. In the gui you can give a few float numbers for the thresholds. These are applied well but we need like 4 numbers behind the decimal points. Checkmk rounds the float to atleast 2 decimal points. Is there a way to change this behavior?


CMK version: 2.1.0p28
OS version: RHEL 8


May try to set the Display format default:
display_format: str = "%.2f",
display_format: str = "%.4f",

It’s just a param for you Float()

Just checked the source of the Valuespec, on first look found nothing but the Render tempering with the decimal points. So, this is maybe the fix.


Ok, perfect. Found something like this in the Float function.
Thank you!