Plugin for checking Dynamic DNS Records

Hi All,

I hope I am posting in the correct forum directory, if not I ask sorry and if possible to move to the correct one.
I recently had an issue where my Home IP Address changed but the Dynamic DNS did not updated (this created issues for VPNs and other services), I thus decided to add a check to verify that my current IP was the same as my ddns record, I was not able to find one already done so I wrote it myself.

It is very simple and it just curl at to get the current IP and then make a DNS query for your DDNS Record, if they matches the check is OK, otherwise is CRITICAL.
You can find it at GitHub - GianlucaUlivi/CheckMK-DDNS-Check: A custom CheckMK plugin to verify your current Public IP against a DNS Record, useful for checking the correct update of a DDNS Service and Record.

I will gladly accept feedbacks and suggestions.
Have a nice day,