PoC with checkmk

Hey guys
we are currently trying out checkmk to monitor a Test Azure Tenant. We followed that nice article here for that:

Monitoring Microsoft Azure (checkmk.com)

We are a little lost with our first steps with checkmk. We would like to first try out monitoring Azure VM’s we have configured. I have configured Dynamic Configuration Daemon (DCD) and see our resourcegroups and 2 test VM’s were we have installed the Windows Agent controller with auto-registration (Cloud Edition).

We can see the host in checkmk, but i have some services from the Azure Tenant Host i think.

How can i change that and start with monitoring windows services for example?

Hope i made my issue clear and somebody is able to help me on this.

Thanks and best regards,

We found the issue. We configured the Tenant without a condition so it had an impact to the hosts. As soon as we corrected it we were able to see all the correct monitors.

Best regards,