Predefined condition in filters

Is it possible to use a predefined condition in a filter view ?

Or can we just say that “predefined conditions” is more a tool to prevent repetitive work ?

I was trying to set a host label based based on services available but I think this is simply not possibel …

You can make a new view with predefined filters and more, see:

I wish I could like your post but this is not possible …

It is not possible to like my post, or more importantly to apply the suggestion on your server?

In case of the latter, perhaps you can post more information of your situation, edition / version / screenshots / why suggestion does not work. So we can better understand and hopefully help out.

lol … no indeed the latter

I was looking for a way to set a host label based if a service was running on a host

for example, I’m having issues detecting if IIS is installed

HW/SW most of the time doesn’t report if IIS is installed so I was thinking if the host has for example W3SVC running I can set a host label on that condition, but the condition

so first I make a predefined condition :

then I put a hosts label :

but it doesn’t work the label is set on ALL hosts

So I was thinking : can I list all hosts and apply a filtyer with that Predef Condition …

I completely misinterpreted your initial question.
The expanded information with screenshots makes it clear to me what you are after.

Sadly I have no real answer to that. )-:

Maybe @r.sander can help you with data to label:

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You get confused with the term service being used double and triple here.

The “Service” in the predefined conditions refers to the Checkmk service name. It is not a Windows service.

You can use the ruleset “Windows service discovery” to create service checks that monitor single Windows services.

Our you use the ruleset “Process discovery” to look for the IIS processes. With a rule here you can also create a host label that tells you that IIS is installed (because there is a running process on that host).

I will surely try this but why can’t I do this for a windows service, as the service is daemonized while a process is just check of a process is running and a windows service is explicitly instaled by an admin requesting for IIS …

EDIT: it looks like I cannot specify this kind of condition when setting host labels …