Problem access CheckMk webUI behind Nginx Proxy Manager

CMK version: 2.2.0p22
OS version: Docker 2.2.0p22

Error message: 502 Bad Gateway

Hi everyone i deploy checkmk as containe
i change the default port to 8081>5000 and 8010>8000
This is the Nginx Proxy manager Host i add:

Enter “8081” into “Forward Port” and it will work.

Hi Simon

I already try port 8081 but not work same error 502 bad gateway,anyway i use port 5000 because NPM is a docker container so it can talk directly name “monitoring”(checkmk container) because of this i use 5000 on port.

Enter the name or IP of your docker host then, instead of monitoring.

I see that it’s working now for you :slight_smile:

(Your hostname was not blurred really well :stuck_out_tongue: )

Good job!

Pubishing your checkmk server on the internet is generally not a good idea…

How did you see? :slight_smile:
i remove the screenshoot if you tell me that is not blurred.
Btw i fix just attach the nginx docker network to checkmk container.

As Simon said…it is not blurred very well :slight_smile: I was also able to catch the UR>L… :slight_smile:

ok so please remove screenshoot for privacy, thanks.