Problem with $ all without $ works fine


does anyone of you have an idea why the Windows Service Detection is having issues with MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS? I suspect it’s because of the $, but I can’t remove that from the service. Every service without a $ gets added immediately.

Hi Dirk! :wave:t2:

Indeed there are some lists of illegal characters in checkmk. I don’t know which of these lists apply to your current problem, but here they are:

nagios_illegal_chars = "`;~!$%^&*|'\"<>?,="
cmc_illegal_chars = ";\t"

As far as I remember this means that you cannot have a service with one of these characters in its name. I think they simply get removed from the name (so $erv!ce gets ervce). At least that was the behaviour in earlier versions.


Hi Dirk,

i tried 20 minutes ago $ and this works