Problem with setting SNMP V3 for Huawei Firewall USG6625F AES encryption level working with 128 but not working with 256 encryption level on check_mk 2.0.0.p3

Does anyone know how to enable AES 256 instead of AES 128?
There is an option in Event Console: SNMP Traps, but how to use it is problem…

Hi @ninoslav.rajkovic,

you’re mixing up snmp settings for the event console for receiving SNMP traps with the SNMP settings for checkmk fetchers to collect SNMP data using snmpget/snmpbulkwalk.

SNMP get only added support in the current 2.3 alpha/nightly builds: Enable AES-192 and AES-256 privacy protocols for SNMP

So my suggestion: set you huawei firewall to AES128
