Problem with Windows Agent TSL Registration

CMK version:
OS version:
Windows 10

Error message:

Im having Problems with the Agent registration. I have downloaded the agent acordingly do the documentations and it connected to the Checkmk server the only thing left is the TSL registration the only Problem with that is that when i try it in PowerShell it doesnt know the register command or any other commands by Checkmk and ive done it exactly like in the documents. can anyone help me here?

Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)

Please show us the exact command you’re running plus the error message that powershell returns.

the commands work now. the next Problem is that the host cant reach my server. it cant be a port problem at all since they are in the same VLAN.

in the error message it basicially says that the connenction try failed and that the other side isnt responding.

PowerShell is started as an Administrator.

if you have any ideas what i could try i would be very thankful!

Maybe local firewall on the checkmk server?
Do a telnet or test-netconnection from your windows host to your checkmk server on Port 8000.

ive done that and it cant connect even tho the firewall of the Windows machine is deactivated and for the linux machine ive opened the port and tried it again which didnt work out as well i also tried it with disabled firewall and sadly that also didnt fix the problem. could it be a problem related to my domain network?