Proxmox VE rule, [piggyback] Missing data

Hello all,

Sorry another question. I’m currently running 2.2 Raw edition on Docker.

I’ve configured a number of Proxmox hosts by installing the usual Checkmk Linux Monitoring Agent, that works fine.

I’m now attempting to get the special agent working. I’ve followed the blog post by Alexander Wilms.

I’ve attached a screenshot showing most services show ok, but am getting a “[piggyback] Missing data” error.

I’ve downloaded the “agent output”, and at the bottom of that log it has “<<<proxmox_ve_node_info:sep(0)>>>” with the VMs and other info listed under it.

If I download that log on another Proxmox host (without the special agent config), it doesn’t have that additional info at the bottom.

Would that indicate that the special agent is communicating with the first Proxmox host successfully, and if so, any idea why am getting the piggyback data error?

Ok, I think I am starting to understand more about the piggyback side of things. It is for the VMs, not the host itself. Doing more reading now.

Hello. Did you notice the video ? Starting at around 5 Minutes some Piggyback Informations are given… Better than reading :slight_smile:

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Yep found that video earlier and that is what definitely helped explain it in more detail.

So from what I have found, the VE special agent provides four additional monitors. Memory, Backup, Snapshot, and Info.

I have watched that video several times and I cannot get the part where he is adding the VM guest on it. After I add the “Proxmox VE” check to my Proxmox host in CheckMK, I then try adding another host in CheckMK using just the name of the VM, but when I try to do s Service Discovery. it gives an error saying it couldn’t find the DNS name of the host name I am tryin to add.